
Formal Letter of Introduction
Write a formal letter of introduction to me. Describe your background and interest in science. Reflect on its relevance to your life and the world at large. Tell me some of your goals for this semester and beyond.
Length: 1-2 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 250 words (minimum) – 500 words (maximum)
Due: Wednesday, February 10th 2021
Format: Submit the final draft under Assignments-Turnitin on Blackboard

NYT Science Section Summary & Response
Using your subscription to the New York Times, you will read two articles from the Science section. You will summarize the contents and respond to the information presented in the article. In addition to posting this assignment to a Blackboard thread, you are required to comment on two other of your classmates’ assignments. Who wrote the article? Why is the topic important or unimportant? Why do you find it interesting, if you do?
Length: 250 words (maximum) per entry (500 words maximum for two articles)

Due: Wednesday, February 24th 2021
Format: Submit the final draft under Assignments-Turnitin on Blackboard

Scientific Rhetorical Analysis
You will write a formal analysis of a scientific report (approval required) in which you comment on various aspects of the report. The goal is a rhetorical analysis of how the author writes by analyzing the strategies the author uses to achieve his/her purpose in writing the report. Discuss the author’s rhetorical situation, purpose, audience, genre, and stance. Begin with a general introduction that tells your reader what the subject is. In reviewing the report, think about the publication and its website or source – this may give you clues about the report’s purpose and audience.
Length: 2-3 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 500 words (minimum) – 750 words (maximum)
Due: Monday, March 8th 2021
Format: Blackboard (Submit your analysis under Assignment-Turnitin)

Scientific Controversy Paper
Identify a controversy or problem in a scientific field or community. Then choose sources that present an opportunity to analyze the problem on a more specific level. Your paper will present this controversy using multiple sources, describing the issue in detail as well as the various opinions or approaches to such an issue. Why is this controversy important? Has any scientific field been isolated, cast off, or created because of it? Has anyone proposed a solution? Your paper should address these questions and perhaps offer solutions of your own. A minimum of 6 sources (3 academic; 3 popular media) are required.
Length: 4-5 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1,000 words (minimum) – 1,250 words (maximum)
Due: Wednesday, March 17th
Format: Blackboard (Submit your analysis under Assignment-Turnitin)

Field Study
For this assignment, you are required to take notes and write a descriptive essay about something that you observe outside in nature. For your essay, describe in detail what specifically you’re writing about, your audience, and the goals of your description. If you use secondary sources (for precise, scientific information) please cite them according to APA format. Include photographs, drawn, or painted images, diagrams, and other mixed media.
Length: 2 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 350 words (minimum) – 500 words (maximum)
Due: Wednesday, April 7th 2021
Format: Blackboard (Submit your Field Study under Assignment-Turnitin)

Collaborative Research Project & Presentation
You will be divided into groups in class. Your group will read up on and research a scientific topic that delves into the fundamentals of science on a more specific level. Your group will describe the nature of this topic using multiple sources and will address industry questions while, perhaps, offering solutions of your own. You will then give an oral presentation to the class. I will give a handout closer to the date of the assignment with more details.
Proposal Due: Wednesday, April 21st 2021
Presentation Length: 15 minutes
Presentation Dates: Monday, April 26 & Wednesday, April 28

Digital Portfolio & Reflection
At the end of the semester, you will be required to compile all of your assignments onto your Academic Commons site. The portfolio should be accessible, neat, and organized. It should also include a final analysis and reflection of the class itself, in which you discuss your progress in the class based on the course objectives.
Due: Monday, May 17th 2021
Format: Blackboard Discussion Board Post